Terms of Service

Updated November 2017. Effective July 2017.

Welcome! Thank you for using GeekFold! Please carefully read these terms. GeekFold, its website www.geekfold.com, its newsletter, and any other services provided by GeekFold are operated by GeekFold Inc. GeekFold will be referred to here and elsewhere as “us,” “we,” “our” while the website, newsletter, and other services will be referred to as the “Service” or “Services.” Those using the Service will be called “you” and this agreement will be called “Terms.” This is a legal agreement between you and GeekFold and we provide our Services subject to these conditions. You agree to be bound by and follow these Terms and the additional policies they link to or are associated with by visiting GeekFold’s website, signing up for our newsletter, or using any of our Services.

These Terms will go into effect as soon as you visit GeekFold, sign up for, or receive our Services. You may leave the agreement upon request at any time by contacting us and no longer using our Services. We may terminate your Services at any time for any reason. If abusive or other behavior is discovered, you may be banned from the Services. If you notice someone violating these Terms, please contact us at info@geekfold.com. If you do not agree with these Terms, please cease using this site and our Services.

Changes may be made to these Terms at any time and will go into effect as soon as they are posted here. We will notify you by email of any changes. Any new features, services, content, or other things added to GeekFold will be held to these Terms.

You must respect the intellectual and proprietary rights of our website and Services including but not limited to all unregistered trademarks, registered trademarks, and more. All branding elements and written content unless otherwise credited to another source which provided the content to GeekFold with permission, is copyrighted and owned by GeekFold. If you find anything on our website that may be infringing on your or someone else’s copyright please contact us at info@geekfold.com and it will be investigated and if necessary removed immediately. You may not use our logo or other branding elements unless we provide them to you and give you express permission. Please ask us.

We respect the privacy of our users. Our Privacy Policy includes information about the information we may collect, use, and disclose that you give us. Please read and review it here.

By using GeekFold, you agree to abide by all laws and regulations that apply to our Services. You agree to hold us harmless for anything that should result if you don’t abide by these Terms or someone claims you did something with the Services.

You agree that by entering into these Terms you are not under 13 years of age. If you are under 13 or not the majority age of your country or place of residence, you must cease using the Services. You can find more information about this in our Privacy Policy.

Third-party links may be included in our Services and direct you to other websites. These links do not indicate a sponsorship, endorsement, or other business relationship with the third-party. Advertising of any kind will be clearly stated. We are not responsible for anything including but not limited to the actions and content of third-party sites that may be linked to in our Services. We cannot be held liable for any damage or other results that may occur if you visit, purchase items from, or perform any other actions on these third-party sites. We are also not responsible for the actions of fellow members of the Services. We cannot be held liable for what may occur at these other sites or with other members.

When it comes to user-generated content, whether contests, submissions, hashtags, comments, unsolicited advice or feedback, or any other content you provide to GeekFold, you agree that we may at any time use that for our Services, which may include promotional reasons. This content may be provided through our Services or through the use of third-party websites and platforms such as social media. You will retain the copyright to any material you submit to GeekFold, but you agree that we may share that information within GeekFold or more widely with or without your permission and can distribute or duplicate it for our Services. You agree that by providing it we are not required to keep it confidential and that we may make necessary edits to the content if there are spelling or other grammatical errors. You agree that you will not receive any sort of compensation for these and that your comments and material will not violate any third-party rights and you are the sole owner of all the rights associated with the content. You are responsible if any violation of rights occurs. We cannot and will not be obligated to monitor all user-generated content that is provided. GeekFold will credit the proper owners of the content as long as such information is provided at the time of submission and you have not requested to remain anonymous.

For certain contests and other services, there may be additional Terms that apply.

If you receive any items from us for purchase or for free, including items from third-parties, we cannot be held liable for anything that may occur with them whether it causes harm to yourself or others. If any information on our website is inaccurate, we will try to fix it promptly. We may correct, change, or not make any changes to content that may have errors depending on their placement in the Services. We can change or not change content at any time for any reason. We are not required to notify you when such changes or updates to content are made.

We are not responsible and you will not hold us responsible for anything you do with the information we provide. Anything you do with the information you do at your own risk. We cannot guarantee uninterrupted Service due to internet conditions, unforeseen events, vacation time, and more. You agree that we may remove as well as add any Services when we require it. Notice will be provided to you when we can if Services will be interrupted, but it is not necessary.

Where you can comment or otherwise provide feedback, we hold the right but are under no obligation to monitor and remove any content that may in our opinion be unlawful, objectionable, or otherwise inappropriate for our Services.

If we do not enforce or exercise any of these Terms, it does not waive any right or provision of them.

These Terms are governed by State of New York laws. The State of New York’s laws will apply for any dispute that results from these Terms or Services.

If you have any questions or comments about our Terms, you can reach us at:

GeekFold Inc.

PO Box 3019

Astoria, NY 11103
